Why the datasouce clock is not updated automatically from processed data?
Should be done manually?
Could you please share a bit more information on your use case? What are you trying to accomplish with this project and how does CZML fit in? I am also not sure what you mean by this:
I would love to help you work through your issue but I need a little bit more information about your project. I am looking forward to learning more.
I have created a czml datasource, and after 5 minutes i process other data that has TimeIntervalCollection format. After this data is finished processing the clock on cmzl is not upated as per the TimeIntervalCollection
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czml.clock.startTime = JulianDate.fromIso8601("")
czml.clock.stopTime = JulianDate.fromIso8601("")
and after from this czml.clock i update viewer timeline
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