I am more curious why there is no 4/8/9 in ScreenSpaceEventType ?


I checked History for cesium/Source/Core/ScreenSpaceEventType.js.
I found that it was like this at the beginning.

Commits on Nov 16, 2012

I just started learning cesium.js.

Let me guess for whom these figures are reserved.


Emmm… Will it be true?

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Welcome to the community! :rocket:

It looks like you found the first CesiumJS commit. Do you have any specific questions related to CesiumJS?



I have been learning cesium.js for a month.
Cesium.js has poor support for TypeScript.
Almost to the point where there will be an error every few lines written.

I also try to pull requests to modify the JSDoc.
https://github.com/CesiumGS/cesium/pull/9745 Merged
https://github.com/CesiumGS/cesium/pull/9783 Open
https://github.com/CesiumGS/cesium/pull/9794 Open
https://github.com/CesiumGS/cesium/pull/9795 Open

But when I found that the property type of many classes is Property, I crashed.

const model = modelRef.current

model.color = Color.RED
model.colorBlendMode = ColorBlendMode.HIGHLIGHT
model.colorBlendAmount = 0.5
model.silhouetteColor = Color.YELLOW
model.silhouetteSize = 4


Type 'Color' is not assignable to type 'Property'.
Type 'ColorBlendMode.HIGHLIGHT' is not assignable to type 'Property | undefined'.
Type '0.5' is not assignable to type 'Property | undefined'.
Type 'Color' is not assignable to type 'Property'.
Type '4' is not assignable to type 'Property | undefined'.

I’m tired, destroy it.

When will Cesium.js be reborn for TypeScript ?

I know how to write it correctly.
Property instance I need to use.

model.color = new ConstantProperty( Color.RED );
model.silhouetteSize = new ConstantProperty( 4 )
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Thank you for posting an update on your question. Your new code looks mostly correct to me - although I believe you are missing a semicolon after the second line.

model.color = new ConstantProperty( Color.RED );
model.silhouetteSize = new ConstantProperty( 4 );

Let me know if you have any other questions or concerns!
