I am unable to dynamically change the dimensions of an ellipse in CZML.

1. A concise explanation of the problem you're experiencing.
I am unable to dynamically change the dimensions of an ellipse in CZML.

2. A minimal code example. If you've found a bug, this helps us reproduce and repair it.

I am basically running the following code as-is in sandcastle.

var czml = [{
    "id" : "document",
    "name" : "CZML Geometries: Circles and Ellipses",
    "version" : "1.0",
    "clock" : {
    "interval" : "2018-10-09T11:34:00.49200000Z/2018-10-09T13:34:06.17466069Z",
    "currentTime" : "2018-10-09T11:34:00.49200000Z",
    "multiplier" : 360,
    "range" : "LOOP_STOP",
}, {
    "id" : "shape2",
    "name" : "Red ellipse with white outline on surface",
    "position" : {
      "cartographicDegrees" : [
          "2018-10-09T11:34:00.49200000Z", -103.0, 40.0, 0,
      "2018-10-09T13:34:06.17466069Z", -103.0, 0.0, 0]
    "ellipse" : {
        "semiMinorAxis" : [
            "2018-10-09T11:34:00.49200000Z", 100000.0,
            "2018-10-09T12:34:06.17466069Z", 200000.0,
            "2018-10-09T13:34:06.17466069Z", 300000.0
        "semiMajorAxis" : [
            "2018-10-09T11:34:00.49200000Z", 100000.0,
            "2018-10-09T12:34:06.17466069Z", 200000.0,
            "2018-10-09T13:34:06.17466069Z", 300000.0
        "height" : 0,
        "material" : {
            "solidColor" : {
                "color" : {
                    "rgba" : [255, 0, 0, 127]
        "outline" : true, // height must be set for outlines to display
        "outlineColor" : {
            "rgba" : [255, 255, 255, 255]

var viewer = new Cesium.Viewer('cesiumContainer');
var dataSourcePromise = Cesium.CzmlDataSource.load(czml);

3. Context. Why do you need to do this? We might know a better way to accomplish your goal.
Eventually, the ellipse/circle represents the satellite's line of sight, and the dimensions varies with satellite's altitude. Thus, I am providing an array of time-tagged values for the semiMinorAxis and semiMajorAxis with the hope that when I animate, I can visualize the dynamic change in the dimensions of the ellipse. However, the dimensions always appear to correspond to the last element in the array (300000 for both semimajor and semiminor axes).

4. The Cesium version you're using, your operating system and browser.
The current web version of Cesium
Windows 10
Google Chrome Version 70.0.3538.77 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Your syntax is wrong for your sampled properties. It should be:

“semiMinorAxis” : {

“number”: [

“2018-10-09T11:34:00.49200000Z”, 100000.0,

“2018-10-09T12:34:06.17466069Z”, 200000.0,

“2018-10-09T13:34:06.17466069Z”, 300000.0



Compare vs. the correct syntax in your snippet which defines the position as a sampled property.


Oh thanks for pointing it out, Scott! Works like a charm now.