Implicit Tiling and HLOD

The description for now sounds like what is demonstrated with the TilesetWithDiscreteLOD sample.

Some decisions here may depend on the exact use cases and model. So I don’t want to make any “recommendation” here, without knowing further details. But if this is about a “single, relatively small, relatively simple model”, then there might not be a need for implicit tiling.

The benefits of implicit tiling would rather play out when you have a large model where the structure of the implicit tile hierarchy reflects how the model is divided into smaller parts, with increasing detail for the lower levels.

Trying to illustrate that with a (quick and crude, but hopefully helpful) image:

So in order to represent your single building model as an implicit tileset, you’d have to “slice and dice” the model (and simplify each part), to create the content that goes into each level of the implicit tile hierarchy. That’s not trivial (because you have to split triangles at the border of each implicit tile and so on), and it’s not clear whether this is what you want to achieve, compared to what is done in the “TilesetWithDiscreteLOD” sample.