Introducing MGIS 3D-Planner

Introducing MGIS 3D-Planner, a comprehensive platform designed for planning and visualizing various projects. Built with CesiumJS technology, this application enables users to design and visualize projects while understanding their real-time impact.

Key Features:

  • 3D Model Integration: Upload and visualize models in formats such as 3D Tiles, CZML, glTF, KML, and KMZ.
  • Local Terrain Upload: Incorporate local terrains for a more accurate representation of your projects.
  • Measurement Tools: Perform precise measurements within your 3D environment.
  • Dynamic Project Area Visualization: Monitor and evaluate project areas dynamically.
  • Ion Terrain Integration: Users with a Cesium Ion account can integrate Ion terrains into their projects.
  • Map Printing in Various Formats: Generate and print maps in multiple formats to suit your documentation and presentation needs.

To ensure secure usage, MGIS 3D-Planner is protected with authentication. To try the application, simply download it and follow the instructions provided in the README file. We recommend creating a Cesium Ion account and adding your token to the application to enhance access to geospatial data.

Access MGIS 3D-Planner today by downloading it from GitHub: GitHub - MundoGIS/mgis-3d-planner-1.0: MGIS 3D-Planner is a powerful platform for rural and urban design, development, and real estate planning. Built with CesiumJS technology, it enables users to design and visualize projects while understanding their real-time impact. In addition to urban planning, MGIS 3D-Planner can be used to plan and visualize wind and solar parks, as well as..

For more information, visit the official MundoGIS website:

Cheers for Cesium and Opensource!