Is there a way to know the current map scale?

Hi, Is there a way to know the current map scale when I change the height of the camera in Cesium?

You can try activating the Cesium Inspector - it shows you the tile-resolution being used for the height you are at - so you get to see
the tile level 6,7,8,9,…:

//Show the Cesium Inspector

When you see the inspector, just click to open the ‘terrain’ tab and put a checkmark against the ‘show tile coordinates’.

it’s not really a scale as such - the fact that ‘empty magnification’ occurs when zooming from one layer to the next makes measurements against a map a little difficult - I have a localised map up to level 14, but I’m not sure that I could trust it (for a whole variety of reasons - including how I produced the region) for detailed measurements
or even with lat/long coordinates vs someone ‘on the ground’ with a gps.