I found the node's runtimeNode property in which I can modify some of the properties of the node.
But if I want to set a node alpha, for example, 0.5, what should I do.
I found the mesh bounding to the node. And in mesh materials uniformmap values diffuse value context alphabits and clearcolor alpha.
I don't know what these two stand for. And the alpha in clearColor can't be changed while the alphabis property can, but takes no effect. I tried viewer.render(). Still nothing happened.
So what's the right way to do that, and what's the CORRECT to modify nodes of models in runtime?
So does this mean we can’t modify the material of rendered meshes in the latest version. The method highlighting nodes mentioned in issue #2387 is useful but may cost much more if the model is very large.
That’s correct. You can try using ModelMaterial.setValue, but this will change the material for every node that is using that material. We have to make some significant changes to the way we load glTF models in order to support changing the material for just a single node.