Iterating items inside a Cesium.DataSourceCollection

I’m missing something obvious, or I’m right by saying that is not possible to iterate all datasources inside a Cesium.DataSourceCollection?

I can query a subset of them (by using getByName), but nothing more. If so: why this feature is not available?

I’ve a set of GeoJSON datasources and I need to change the style of one of them at a time.

The usual way would be with a for-loop, using the length property and the get(index) method…

const n = dataSourceCollection.length;
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
  const dataSource = dataSourceCollection.get(i);

If the question was about for-each iteration: This has been considered in Add iterator to all collections by javagl · Pull Request #11697 · CesiumGS/cesium · GitHub , but was not added, due to possible performance implications.

Thanks, someway I missed the .get method from the TS autocomplete