KML causes entities to clip

If I import KML via Cesium.KmlDataSource.load I run into issues where all my entities (whether they be billboards, points, etc.) will clip when the globe is rotated.

I’ve posted my sample code on Sandcastle.

You’ll notice it seems to work fine, but that is because the KML file isn’t loading (couldn’t figure out how to import external files on Sandcastle…). If/when the file is loaded the clipping issues become evident.

An example with the KML data loaded is show below:

Update: If I remove the fill from each entity of the KMLdata source the clipping issue goes away, so looks like it may be tied to that for whatever reason.

Was able to figure out the solution, so for anyone who runs into this the correct way to implement a custom MapBox style is to utilize Cesium.UrlTemplateImageryProvider and pass a URL like so:

imageryProvider: new Cesium.UrlTemplateImageryProvider({
    url: `{username}/{styleId}/tiles/512/{z}/{x}/{y}?access_token={accessToken}`

Swap username, styleId and accessToken with your own values and it should work!