layer[i].queueReprojectionCommands is not a function error (solved)

Updated (20201027) I found a check of layer by === "SingleTileImageryProvider"

would fail after build (but ok in dev). So I mark and modify it, then everything work well both in dev and prod. So this problem got solved.

I modify a smaller reproducible repo (on preactjs) for this problem:

The reproducible repo is
Just clone it and npm install
develpment version is work well: (npm run dev)
After build (npm run build) and npm run serve, got the error as my problem.

The code about layer selection in a modal (icon in left-top corner on screen) is here:

Put layers into viewModel
  const add_gbloverlay = (url, name, alpha, show, rectangle) => {
    const lay = new SingleTileImageryProvider({

Other codes are modified based on cesium sandcastle example:

Any comments would be appreciated. Thanks a lot.

(Note: because I have aother problem for large bundle size on this forum Large bundle size
so I still output webpack-bundle-analyzer result in running. Please just skip it here.