How to load multiple dtm datasets on cesium map using asset ids .something like
var viewer = new Cesium.Viewer('cesiumContainer',{
terrainProvider : new Cesium.CesiumTerrainProvider({
url: Cesium.IonResource.fromAssetId(6015,6011,6012)
The fromAssetId function only takes one number as an assetId.
I don’t think CesiumJS allows multiple terrain providers on the client, but you should be able to combine your terrain on the server (in Cesium ion) and just serve the combined terrain as one asset.
Sorry I wasn’t clear earlier - when you’re adding an asset (, just drag all your terrain files and upload them together, and they’ll be combined into one asset.
Yes.While uploading terrain data to cesium ion you can choose list of terrain data(base terrain) to merge your terrain with.You can also add multiple terrain data at once.I added multiple data and selected cesium world terrain as base terrain