Lock billboard at a fixed position of screen


Is there any way to lock a billboard to a fixed position of screen? Such as left-bottom point of screen. We want to draw some charts on the canvas.
The output is a video by canvas parse, so drawing by html is not suitable...
Looking forward your reply.

Hi there,

You can get a label or billboard to stay at a fixed position by using pickEllipsoid to get the 3d point on the globe at the center of the screen, then use a pixelOffset to position the entity however you’d like in screen space. Here’s a code example: http://cesiumjs.org/Cesium/Apps/Sandcastle/?src=Hello%20World.html&label=Showcases&gist=79a40779053b07e8aaac3cc2afcff598

Hope that helps!

  • Rachel

Hi Rachel,

So many thanks. It's so good for my requirement.

Hi there,

I’m glad it helps! However, be careful – since this depends on picking a position on the ellipsoid, this solution will not work if the center of the screen is not on the ellipsoid (eg. if the camera is pointed at the sky). If this is a significant problem, let me know and I’ll try to think of something else.


  • Rachel