Models(glTF) endpoint do not match.

1. A concise explanation of the problem you’re experiencing.

Models(glTF) endpoint do not match.

But , Models centerpoint do mutch.

I’m using glTF version is 2.0.

2. A minimal code example. If you’ve found a bug, this helps us reproduce and repair it.

I used rectangular plane(No.8).

centerpoint : x=5.150m y=5.150m z=0

endpoint: x=0.150m y=10.150m z=0

I have transformed the coordinates using proj4.

function createModel() {


var position = Cesium.Cartesian3.fromRadians(2.374645370187137, 0.6291284398934394, 0);// centerpoint

var heading = 0;

var pitch = 0;

var roll = 0;

var hpr = new Cesium.HeadingPitchRoll(heading, pitch, roll);

var orientation = Cesium.Transforms.headingPitchRollQuaternion(position, hpr);

var entity = viewer.entities.add({

name : “Model.glb”,

position : position,

orientation : orientation,

model : {

uri : “(Please input URI)”,

minimumPixelSize : 128,

maximumScale : 20000



position = Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(136.001663835694, 36.0013519741824, 0);// endpoint

var orientation2 = Cesium.Transforms.headingPitchRollQuaternion(position, hpr);

var entity2 = viewer.entities.add({

name : “Endpoint sample”,

position : position,

orientation : orientation2,

model : {

uri : “(Please input URL)”,

minimumPixelSize : 128,

maximumScale : 20000,




3. Context. Why do you need to do this? We might know a better way to accomplish your goal.

I want to display a model of the terrain along the map.

4. The Cesium version you’re using, your operating system and browser.

I’m using version is 1.55.0(Cesium) Windows10.(OS) Chrome.(Browser)

Model.glb (1.2 KB)

※I used rectangular plane(No.6).

2020年2月17日月曜日 15時14分06秒 UTC+9


※centerpoint : x=5150m y=5150m z=0

※endpoint: x=150m y=10150m z=0

2020年2月17日月曜日 15時26分55秒 UTC+9