MOUSE_MOVE event not firing when using predefined keyboard button...

Curious if anyone else has ran into this issue...

I am using Cesium 1.42. When I define a screen space event listener for the MOUSE_MOVE event the event does not fire if I hold a predefined keyboard key...

For example, if you run the below Sandcastle and you press and hold the Shift, Ctrl or Alt key the Cesium MOUSE_MOVE event will not fire but the document mousemove event will...

What I essentially want to do is disable the tilt (screenSpaceCameraController.enableTilt) and look (screenSpaceCameraController.enableLook) options on the viewer and replace them with my own.

Perhaps this behavior is a bug? Any thoughts would be great!

Hi Jason,

ScreenSpaceEventHandler.setInputAction takes an optional key modifier as a parameter, but I agree that it does not seem like intended behavior for the unmodified function to not trigger when any other keys are held down. I’ve opened #6277 with this report to track the issue. If you have the chance to look into the problem yourself, we’d greatly appreciate any contribution!

