It’s the idea I guess…
You would have a code that demonstrates the feasability ? a sandcastle ? It seems more complicated than that, as this thread shows : Controlling model animations independent of Cesium timeline
But unfortunately this 5 years old code doens’t work animore + seems very complicated.
anyone has a better idea ?
The idea is easy :
I have a map zone. I need a 3d model to follow the path : point A → point B → etc. → point A, forever, without the need of having timecoded path datas.
I am coding a game, based on an island, a certain 3d object (an NPC) should cruise through the island and should follow a path on the map forever.
For now I found a dirty hack = I animated the glb object in blender directly with distances etc.
But it’s not very flexible, I’d like to programmaticly do it.
I really looks through A LOT of threads and sanscastles (I know all of them), and I didn’t find anything. A lot of links are dead also so it’s hard to find.
I would greatly appreciate a demo, if someone knows how to do it.