Moveable CesiumGeoReference in XR

Hi :slight_smile: Is it possible to tie die CesiumGeoReference to a GameObject, for moving it around? To create smth like this:

which should be moveable/placeable within a room, but still work, like scrolling, changing height, etc. At the moment, the CesiumGeoReference can’t be moved. It only changes the map, but is not “moved” directly.


Perhaps I’m misunderstanding, but it’s not only possible for a CesiumGeoreference to be tied to a GameObject, it’s necessary - you can’t put one in the scene any other way. Once you add one, adjusting its transform will adjust the tilesets that are referenced to it. So there’s two “move” interactions you can do with a CesiumGeoreference:

  1. Move the position on the earth that the georeference represents by setting the origin, through for example SetOriginLongitudeLatitudeHeight.
  2. Move the position of the tileset relative to everything else in the scene by setting the position on the CesiumGeoreference’s transform, like any other GameObject in Unity.

I think my explanation was misleading, sry about that. I wanted to describe some kind of TableTop/Diorama experience, like “grabbing” the CesiumGeoreference with my hand/controller and move it around, without moving the position on the earth. Whenever I change the CesiumGeoreference’s transform, the shown tiles will move and the transform itself stays where it is.

Smth like this, where I can move the whole thing with the Table Handle at the bottom:

I kind of do this for our map feature in Glider Sim. (1) Glider Sim - New 3D Flight Track Feature - YouTube

You can create a top down camera that renders the Cesium terrain and outputs to a render texture. Like here: You can mark the terrain as a separate layer and only render that layer in the map camera. Then create controls for moving the map camera left, right, forward, back, up (zoom out) and down (zoom in).

But then I wouldn’t be able to see the volumes/heights in 3D in XR then :sweat_smile: