Thank you for your reply, Gabby!
Yes, I do have more information about the creation of the model and 3D Tileset.
All steps are being completed in Agisoft Metashape Pro 1.8.
The model was generated from images taken by a drone. The images have a GPS altitude reference.
The 3D Tileset was then created from the model. During the tiling, Metashape converters the GPS altitude to WGS84.
I have extended my research in changing the globe in CesiumJS to MSL but from what I have read online, it is impossible or has not been done before.
That is why I shifted my focus to elevating the tileset.json to the Cesium World Terrain. But I have the same problem that I mentioned in my starting post.
Every time I load the tileset with
const tileset = Cesium.Cesium3DTileset.fromUrl("https://my.url/folder/to/tileset.json").then(async (tileset) => { // Add tileset viewer.scene.primitives.add(tileset); // zoom to tileset viewer.zoomTo(tileset); });
I can watch the model being shoved under the terrain step by step.
As a result, I get something like this:
I’ve tried hardcoding the altitude in the tileset.json but I suspect that the other tileset.json in subfolders are overwriting the altitude of the main tileset.json.
I also tried it with
tileset.modelMatrix = Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(boundingSphereCenterLongitude, boundingSphereCenterLatitude, boundingSphereCenterHeight + 50);
When using this, my altitude is now increased, but 6.3 million meters are not very close to the correct height of ~500 meter.
The main problem is that I cannot hardcode the altitude of the 3D Tileset because the height and altitude of the Tilesets is different every time. I need a way to stick the bottom of the Tileset to the terrain everywhere around the world.
I would appreciate your help very much!