Hello everyone, I am new to this cesium, I need to dynamically modify a new build proposal project, how, can you provide me any samples or github link.
You can find our samples project here, which contains examples of using Cesium for Unity with a variety of data sources and use cases. You might also be interested in the Learn Cesium for Unity page on our website, which has tutorials for getting started with Cesium for Unity. If you can give more specifics on what you’re looking to do with Cesium for Unity, I might be able to give more detailed advice!
Thank you so much for your response
@azrogers, i con’t load asset tileset const tileset = new Cesium.Cesium3DTileset({
url: “https://assets.ion.cesium.com/2927177/tileset.json”,
}); its throwing error like Error loading building tileset: RangeError: Invalid array length
@Karuppasamy_Mohan That code appears to be CesiumJS, or close to it. That won’t work in Cesium for Unity - for one, because the namespace is CesiumForUnity instead of Cesium, and for two, because the Cesium3DTileset is a Unity component (a MonoBehaviour
) and so it needs to be created the Unity way. So creating this from another component would look something like:
Cesium3DTileset tileset = gameObject.AddComponent<Cesium3DTileset>();
tileset.tilesetSource = CesiumDataSource.FromCesiumIon;
tileset.ionAssetID = 2927177;
Ok Tank you @azrogers