Ol3-Cesium 1.2 release


I am pleased to announce version 1.2 of Ol3-Cesium, based on Ol 3.2
and Cesium 1.6.

This version contains mostly bug fixes and migration to Cesium 1.6 Camera

If you could not attend FOSDEM in Brussels, here are links about the short
talk I gave there:
Slides: https://fosdem.org/2015/schedule/event/ol3js_cesium/attachments/slides/628/export/events/attachments/ol3js_cesium/slides/628/ol3cesium_slides_without_pauses.pdf
Video record: http://video.fosdem.org/2015/devroom-geospatial/ol3js_cesium.mp4
Video of demo: https://fosdem.org/2015/schedule/event/ol3js_cesium/attachments/video/611/export/events/attachments/ol3js_cesium/video/611/ol3cesium_interactions.webm

Thank you to all contributors of Ol3, Cesium and Ol3-Cesium.

Does ol3-Cesium support the timeline widget that Cesium has with clock, etc.?

It is not possible at the moment but we would probably accept a
contribution for this.

It would require exporting a clock in ol3-cesium and initializing the
Timeline widget like in https://github.com/AnalyticalGraphicsInc/cesium/blob/1.6/Source/Widgets/Viewer/Viewer.js#L496

Just wanted to tell that we also had some feedback that the timeline viewer would be nice to have.

We also had feedback, might be cesium relevant also, but a request was made for a simpler timeline widget without the clock and just a timeline with two markers to specify a timespan.

Good work guys. Happy user here.