Priority of billboards

Hi all! I’m using CesiumJS about 6 months(as that framework is the best for GIS development)

I have got a problem with priority of rendering of billboards(I was think so priority depends on height on the map).

I don’t know how send short code example so rendering billboards and other primitives consists of ES6 class and service.
Inside the class I get a list of info of map objects here:

static attach(objects) {
// this.removeAllObjects();
try {
for (let x = 0; x < objects.length; x++) {
} catch (e) {

aggregateEntity method:

aggregateEntity(config) {
    if (!config.coordinates || !config.coordinates.length) {
    if (!config.sensorStatuses) {
        config.sensorStatuses = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
    config.billboard = {};
    config.pipe = {diametr: 0.5};
    config.ellipse = {};
    config.additionalBillboardHeight = 0;
    switch (config.type) {
        case CONSUMER:
            return this.configureConsumer(config);
        case LATCH:
            return this.configureLatch(config);
        case JUMPER:
            return this.configureLatch(config);
        case NODE:
            return this.configureNode(config);
        case MESSAGE:
            return this.configureMessage(config);
        case BOUNDARY_POINT:
            return this.configureNode(config);
        case THROTTLE_NODE:
            return this.configureNode(config);
            return this.configureAccountDevice(config);
        case SOURCE_CHPP:
            return this.addToCollection(BILLBOARDS, createBillboard, config);
            return this.configureCTD(config);
        case BOILERPLATE:
            return this.addToCollection(BILLBOARDS, createBillboard, config);
        case PIPE:
            return this.addToCollection(PIPES, createPipe, config);
        case GENERAL_CONSUMER:
            return this.configureConsumer(config);
            return console.error('Неизвестный тип: ' + type);

There is function which return’s object needed for create new billboards:

export function createBillboard({type, coordinates, billboard, hasSensors, id, hasConnectionLost, sensorStatuses, additionalBillboardHeight}, alreadyActive) {
    try {
        let {longitude, latitude, altitude} = coordinates[0];
        let displayData = getDisplayBillboardData(alreadyActive, sensorStatuses, type, hasConnectionLost, hasSensors);
        return {
            // alignedAxis: additionalBillboardHeight && Cesium.Cartesian3.ZERO || Cesium.Cartesian3.UNIT_Z,
            distanceDisplayCondition: displayData.distanceDisplayCondition,
            disableDepthTestDistance: Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY,
            image: displayData.image,
            position: Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(longitude, latitude, altitude + additionalBillboardHeight + (window.$$currentHeight > 3290 ? 28 : window.$$currentHeight > 675 ? 18 : 0)) //EXTRA_HEIGHT_BILLBOARD + additionalBillboardHeight)
    } catch (e) {
        console.error('createBillboard ', e);

getDisplayBillboardData function:

function getDisplayBillboardData(active, sensorStatuses, type, hasConnectionLost, hasSensors) {
    let sensorStatus = sensorStatuses[window.$$activeSensor];
    let isSimple = sensorStatus === 0 || sensorStatus === -1 || sensorStatus === 3 || sensorStatus === undefined;
    let image = null;
    // let commonHeight = 0;
    let farDisplayCondition = 29000.0;
    const MAX_VIEW_EMPTY_COUNTERS = 680.0;

    if (active) {
        image = billboardImages[type].active;
        // commonHeight = 8;
    } else {
        // if (wasActive) {
        //     // commonHeight = -8;
        // }

            if (hasConnectionLost) {
                image = billboardImages[type].noSensors;
                farDisplayCondition = MAX_VIEW_EMPTY_COUNTERS;
            } else {
                if (hasSensors) {
                    if (window.$$activeSensor === ALL_HEATING_OF_CITY.value) {
                        let maxSensorStatus = Math.max.apply(null, sensorStatuses);
                        if (maxSensorStatus > 0) {
                            image = billboardImages[type].warnings;
                        } else {
                            image = billboardImages[type].default;
                            farDisplayCondition = MAX_VIEW_EMPTY_COUNTERS;
                            // isSimple = true;
                    } else {
                        if (isSimple) {
                            image = billboardImages[type].default;
                            farDisplayCondition = MAX_VIEW_EMPTY_COUNTERS;
                        } else {
                            image = billboardImages[type][sensorStatus === 1 && 'low' || sensorStatus === 2 && 'warnings'];
                } else {
                    farDisplayCondition = MAX_VIEW_EMPTY_COUNTERS;
                    image = billboardImages[type].noSensors;
        } else {
            if(type !== ENTITY_TYPES.MESSAGE){
                farDisplayCondition = 2300.0;
            image = billboardImages[type].default;
    return {
        distanceDisplayCondition: new Cesium.DistanceDisplayCondition(0.0, farDisplayCondition)

Cesium version is 1.36.0

browser : Google Chrome v.60.0.3112.113

operation system : Windows 10

this video which displays problem:

I’m not sure exactly what the behavior you need, but billboards have an eyeOffset property. Negative z values will make an entity render in front of others.

billboard.eyeOffset = new Cesium.Cartesian3(0, 0, -50);

