Hey there,
This should be an easy issue, but I couldn’t figure out what’s wrong.
I have a set of geojson files, I import the files while setting them to clamp to terrain and disable the outline, some of the files (3 of them ) do not clamp and they maintain the default (yellow) outline.
the river (blue) and the road(orange) aren’t clamped to the terrain while the red circular feature (bottom) are clamped just fine. the third feature is at 0 height. so its deeply under ground (this is mountain area)
I’m using these options below:
{clampToGround : true,fill:Cesium.Color.BLUE.withAlpha(0.3),outline:false}
Also, the depthTestAgainstTerrain is true. I have attached one of the files
tuek_river.geojson (283 KB)