we are trying to get a traditional ‘rollover’ effect on polygons added via CZML… a sort of temporary highlight with a billboard following the mouse while the pointer is over a polygon.
in the sandcastle there is an example showing this, however its source of polygons was programmatic: not czml.
on experimenting ourselves we find that their appearances seem ‘unmodifiable’, updating their material/uniforms/color properties has no effect.
we then stumbled across this:
where it seems J.L was having the same problem, and solved it with what seems to be a fairly involved strategy.
My question is:
is this thread still current, i.e. is it confirmed that dynamic objects coming from CZML still can’t be updated directly
if so, what is the “this.visualizers.update(currentTime);” method that the thread refers to ? is it: DataSourceDisplay.prototype.update ? sorry if this is a dense question.
or should we be holding off coding any workarounds, as this is not a super important feature at this stage.