I created a plane in cesium with image as material (unit z as normal).
I want to rotate it around x,y,z axes separately. Im doing it using Cesium.Transforms.headingPitchRollQuaternion and applying this quaternion as orientation of that plane.
When I use only 30 degrees roll, plane is rotated 30 degrees around x- axis.
When I use only 30 degrees Pitch, plane got rotated 90 degrees around z-axis and then 30 degrees around y-axis (but im expecting that it should rotate around y axis by 30 degrees).
When I use only 30 degrees Pitch, nothing changed (but im expecting that it should rotate around z axis by 30 degrees).
So how can I rotate a plane created with z-axis as normal along x,y,z-axis individually ?
Thanks in Advance