Seams on Google Photorealistic Tiles

hei, developer here.
I just figuered it out. somehow I needed to manually specify the sampler state wrap mode and set it to “clamp” in the shader.
now it looks good.
The things we had to modify in the cesium code are the following:

  • we manually specify a camera, that is used to calculate the LOD and culling range of the tiles. AVP doesnt give access to the camera position (head) of the player.
  • Oddly we hadd to flip the normals of the generated tile meshes. I dont know why this was necessary. maybe AVP uses a right handed coordinate system or something like that and it did not automatically migrate the generated meshes.

Also we do the following

  • we also had to duplicate the “_baseColorTexture” because it was not read write enabled and the SDK need to mirror it into the Poly Spatial world.
  • also there seems to be a memory leak,thats why we reduced the Level of Detail, so it only crashed after aboutan hour of usage. But I think that leakmight very well also be an Apple issue
  • we wrote som custom controller scripts that modify Longitude Lattitude and height, so the correct section is inside the “Volume Camera” of the Vision Pro SDK
  • we analyse the meshes of the Anchors that are added to estimate the “ground heigh”
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