Set Cesium3DTiles transparency

I would like to change the transparency of a Cesium3DTileset. For single tiles I managed this via the alpha value in color, but how does it work for the whole tileset? The style function does not change anything for me:

var tileset = viewer.scene.primitives.add(new Cesium.Cesium3DTileset({
    url : './resources/3dtiles/tileset'
})); = new Cesium.Cesium3DTileStyle({
    alpha: 0.2

Many thanks,

Hi Jörn,

Cesium’s 3D Tiles’ style has only a very limited set of options in terms of appearance (show and color, as far as I know). So to change your the transparency your only option is to decide a color and set the alpha value along with it. For example:

var myStyle = new Cesium.Cesium3DTileStyle({
color : “color(’#FFFFFF’, 0.2)”, //white, alpha = 0.2
show : true
}); = myStyle;


For more details, you can refer to this:

Hope that helps!


Hi Victor,

Thanks for your support.

I have noticed that the Showcase Example "3D Tiles Feature Picking" accepts the style without any problems.

With the showcase "3D Tiles Photogrammetry" I can't affect the styling.

Are there differences between these two 3D tiles that prevent styling changes?


Hi Jörn,

Glad to be of help.

Are you referring to this example:

If so I do not see anything related to styling of the 3D Tiles. May be you can point out which line for me? I have also added your code (with the alpha field) to give it a try and the tiles didn’t turn transparent.


The photogrametry tileset don’t have any meta data (or under the hood, a feature table) to style.

If you do want to style a photogrametry tileset, take a look at classification.



Correction: no Batch Table.