TileMapServiceImageryProvider issue at the moment?


Until yesterday evening (Central Europe) everything worked fine. Starting today I realized that my tiles are loading really slow in Cesium. I set up a sandcastle version with the following code:

var viewer= new Cesium.Viewer(‘CesiumContainer’);
var layers = viewer.scene.imageryLayers;
layers.addImageryProvider(new Cesium.TileMapServiceImageryProvider({
url : ‘PathToFolderOfTheTiles’,
fileExtension: ‘png’,
minimumLevel: 10,
maximumLevel: 22,
tileWidth: 512,
tileHeight: 512


I end up with an unresponsive Script error somewhere in the code of the TileMapServiceImageryProvider in Firefox (also tested it in Chrome without success) after a while. Nothing more works and I have to crash it.

Does anyone now if there is something wrong in the library or are there any other possible issues? (if it is necessary to now: The tiles are created completely with MapTiler)


Hi Martin,

Did you upgrade to a new version of Cesium? If so, between which versions? If not, presumably something has changed on your system. I can’t think of any reason that TileMapServiceImageryProvider would trigger an unresponsive script. Try a reboot maybe? :slight_smile:


Ciao Kevin

Thanks for your answer!

I’m still on Cesium 1.9. It happens on different systems, with different browsers and with my implementation as well as with the Sandcastle version on my server (Cesium 1.9) and the Sandcastle from Cesium (1.10 I suppose). The standalone version of the tileserver (exported by MapTiler) works well and without any problems. Rebooting, empty the cache was no solution. At the moment it works in my implementation, but really slow.


HI Martin,

Is your server accessible over the internet? Or can you put up a server that exhibits the same problem? I can take a quick look.

Otherwise my best advice is to use an unminified build of Cesium (Sancastle is fine), run the browser’s profiler, and see what it’s up to.
