Here is a sandcastle which reproduces my problem: Cesium Sandcastle
Here is a sandcastle demonstrating the expected behavior with only 100k geometries instead of 1 million: Cesium Sandcastle
I have 1 million geometryInstances that look like this:
const myGeometry = new GeometryInstance({
id = "someId"
geometry = new EllipseGeometry({
height: 0,
center: Cartesian3.fromDegrees( 1, 2),
semiMinorAxis: 10000.0,
semiMajorAxis: 10000.0,
vertexFormat: VertexFormat.POSITION_AND_ST,
for every 10,000 of them, I create a new primitive like this:
myPrimitive = new Primitive({
geometryInstances: geometryInstances, <-- a geometryInstance[] of length 10,000
appearance = new EllipsoidSurfaceAppearance({
aboveGround: true,
faceForward: true,
material: new Material({
translucent: false,
fabric: {
type: "Image",
uniforms: {
image: "/icons/icn_bullseye.svg",
show: true,
when the primitive is created, it is added like this:
this process is supposed to happen 100 times, with varying longitude, latitudes, and ids on the geometryInstances.
However, when I reach ~23 primitives being displayed on the globe, I receive one of the following 2 errors:
An error occurred while rendering. Rendering has stopped.
RangeError: Array buffer allocation failed
RangeError: Array buffer allocation failed
at new ArrayBuffer (<anonymous>)
at new Float64Array (<anonymous>)
at Object.h.packCreateGeometryResults (http://localhost:8080/Workers/PrimitivePipeline-ff0113f1.js:1:5307)
at http://localhost:8080/Workers/createGeometry.js:1:975
at n (http://localhost:8080/Workers/when-208fe5b0.js:1:322)
at a.u [as then] (http://localhost:8080/Workers/when-208fe5b0.js:1:956)
at Function.i [as all] (http://localhost:8080/Workers/when-208fe5b0.js:1:1522)
at http://localhost:8080/Workers/createGeometry.js:1:930
at http://localhost:8080/Workers/createTaskProcessorWorker.js:1:195
at http://localhost:8080/Workers/createTaskProcessorWorker.js:1:236
CesiumWidget.js:690 An error occurred while rendering. Rendering has stopped.
RangeError: Array buffer allocation failed
RangeError: Array buffer allocation failed
at new ArrayBuffer (<anonymous>)
at new Float32Array (<anonymous>)
at Object.r.encodeAttribute (http://localhost:8080/Workers/GeometryPipeline-cd170892.js:1:6811)
at l (http://localhost:8080/Workers/PrimitivePipeline-ff0113f1.js:1:2739)
at Object.h.combineGeometry (http://localhost:8080/Workers/PrimitivePipeline-ff0113f1.js:1:4327)
at http://localhost:8080/Workers/combineGeometry.js:1:699
at http://localhost:8080/Workers/createTaskProcessorWorker.js:1:195
at http://localhost:8080/Workers/createTaskProcessorWorker.js:1:236
If I set my vertexFormat
on my GeometryInstance to VertexFormat.POSITION_ONLY and remove the appearance
from my primitive, I don’t receive errors, but I can’t see anything on the globe! So that sort of defeats the purpose.
While it’s not ideal, I’ve tried batching all 1 million GeometryInstances into a single Primitive to no avail. I have also tried adding all my Primitives to the scene, then traversing them within the scene object and adding their appearance there. This did not work either.
In this article: Performance Tips for Visualizing Lots of Points – Cesium, I see that they can render many millions of pointPrimitives with no problem. I’m assuming the pointPrimitive has no appearance attribute, which is why it is not so computationally expensive. While I do not need my Primitives to have svgs, it is very important that I am able to give them custom shapes, even if it’s just in the form of simple geometric shapes.
Thank you very much for your time and suggestions!
UPDATE: I thought the issue might have been that i was crearing a new EllipsoidSurfaceAppearance for each Primitive, so i tried just making one, and passing it to all primitive instantiations. This has not improved the sitation, though.