As a general rule, you shouldn’t access private variables from our objects because they might have unexpected behavior. A private variable is anything that starts with an underscore, like “_value”.
Instead, to get the value from the hierarchy (or any other Entity property) you can use hierarchy.getValue(currentTime)
Here is an example that changes the polygon positions on left click:
var viewer = new Cesium.Viewer(‘cesiumContainer’, {
selectionIndicator : false,
infoBox : false
var positions = selectedEntity.polygon.hierarchy.getValue(viewer.clock.currentTime).positions;
var a = 0;
positions[a] = Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(lon, lat);
selectedEntity.polygon.hierarchy.getValue(viewer.clock.currentTime).positions = positions;
At now my changes are saved but the figure displayed on Cesium doesn’t change.
Maybe i have to do something similar to a refresh?