I see it’s possible to Stream the Google 3D Tiles directly from Google Cloud services, but is it possible to stream terrain right from the Bing servers using a URL and Bing API key?
This is what the Google URL looks like: https://tile.googleapis.com/v1/3dtiles/root.json?key=YourKey
What would the Bing Maps URL looks like?
As far as I know, Bing does not provide terrain in a Cesium-supported format, such as 3D Tiles or quantized-mesh. So it’s not possible to do this directly.
But isn’t the main Cesium World Terrain + Bing Maps using the Bing 3D Tiles / Terrain? Or is Cesium converting it on their own servers or something? Another friends / cesium user mentioned they were able to plug their own Bing key into the Unreal Engine solution? Is that possible?
So it looks like the Microsoft Bing API has been transferred to Azure Maps. I found this Azure documentation on getting it working with CesiumJS. I would think there would be a way to get it working in Unity as well? Azure Maps Cesium JS plugin - Code Samples | Microsoft Learn
This Url is what CesiumJS is using: https://atlas.microsoft.com/map/tile?api-version=2.0&zoom={z}&x={x}&y={y}&tileSize=512
I wonder if there is a way to add the Azure Maps key to the query as to get it working in Unity?
Hi @5DRealities,
It’s possible to use Bing Maps directly, without going through Cesium ion. The trick is to use the CesiumBingMapsRasterOverlay, instead of the CesiumIonRasterOverlay.
However, Azure Maps is different. Supporting that shouldn’t be difficult (I haven’t tried), but would require some custom code (including C++ code) in the Cesium for Unity plugin. It’s not something that can work out of the box.
Ah, so simple lol. I didn’t see the CesiumBingMapsRasterOverlay… very cool! Works great!
Cesium might want to look into supporting the new Azure maps platform soon, as the Bing map API keys will fail to work in early 2025 according to their website. Perhaps add a CesiumAzureMapsRasterOverlay?