viewer.flyTo without showing path line

I’m new to Cesium, and I’m trying to do an animation like the one from the SandCastle examples, called “bike ride” (KML.html)

This animation uses viewer.flyTo() to a path defined in a kml file. While this is happening, a red line is being drawn where the animation goes. I’m trying to get rid of this path line, icons and marker (You can see them in the image I’m attaching), however, I can’t find where are those defined.

When the animation starts, that blue line starts moving like crazy.

I was able to apply 100% transparency to the ffffff001 but still, a moving crazy blue line appears.

This is my relevant code:

	document.getElementById("startAnimation").addEventListener("click", function(event) {
		viewer.dataSources.add(Cesium.KmlDataSource.load("./kmls/bikeRide.kml", options)).then(function(dataSource) {
			viewer.clock.shouldAnimate = false;
			const rider = dataSource.entities.getById("tour");
			viewer.flyTo(rider).then(function() {
				viewer.trackedEntity = rider;
				viewer.selectedEntity = viewer.trackedEntity;
				viewer.clock.multiplier = 30;
				viewer.clock.shouldAnimate = true;

And this is how my .kml file looks like:

<name>my track</name>
<Style id="track">

<Placemark id="tour">
<name>name of id tour</name>
<gx:coord>-75.300238 40.109584 3000</gx:coord>
<gx:coord>-75.300234 40.109597 3000</gx:coord>
<gx:coord>-75.300214 40.109641 3000</gx:coord>

NOTE: In the original example, they use a gx:MultiTrack tag which I had to remove, otherwise, the altitude was being ignored.

All I want is to show that animation that follows a series of coordinates WITHOUT showing anything else (path lines, icons, markers)

I’m using Cesium 1.98

Any help will be really appreciated

I was able to solve it using sytiling:

<Style id="track">

I just thought there could be another way