Dear Developer team
I'm testing cesium for my company to identify the best webgl globe currently available.
Cesium works great, and promises good thinks for the future...but I have a question related to the WebMapServiceTerrainProvider.
I have seen and tested the Imagery Adjustment Sandcastle demo (on demo in which some WMS layers are loaded by the WebMapServiceTerrainProvider and everything works great.
I tried the same example in local and nothing works.
The error is "http://IP/proxy/?…rs%3DEPSG%3A4326%26bbox%3D-90%2C0%2C0%2C90%26width%3D256%26height%3D256%26 404 (Not Found) " (obviously)
the code is exactly the Sandcastle one
new Cesium.WebMapServiceImageryProvider({
url : ‘’,
layers : ‘nexrad-n0r’,
credit : ‘Radar data courtesy Iowa Environmental Mesonet’,
parameters : {
transparent : ‘true’,
format : ‘image/png’
proxy : new Cesium.DefaultProxy(’/proxy/’)
I understood that the "proxy" option is used to avoid the "Cross-origin image load denied by Cross-Origin Resource Sharing policy." but I haven't understood how set it.
Could someone explain to me how set the WebMapServiceTerrainProvider options in order to allow me to run the exactly demo in local?