3D Tiles are not shown in CesiumJS 2D-View

CesiumJS 1.53

Is there any setting to display 3D Tiles in 2D-View by default?
I have addede my 3D Tilesets. In 3D-View they are shown in WGS and Terrain view. But as sonn as I switch to 2D-View the only thing I can see is the Bounding Box, with no objects in it.

I just tested this out and it seems to work:

If you switch to 2D view, then get back to the tileset by typing in “220 Valley Creek Bl, West Whiteland” you can see the tileset.

Does it work if there is no terrain? What kind of data is in your tileset? Is it buildings or photogrammetry or something else?

I have b3dm-Files in my Tilesets, showing geological layers. But even if I set the display of the globe in 2D-View to false, I don't see my layers. Maybe I have to look in a simple example on my computer to make it work again.

If you are able to share a Sandcastle using your tileset that’d help a lot. I think the easiest way to do that is to upload it to Cesium ion (https://cesium.com/ion/) which will give you a Sandcastle link that you can just share here. That’ll help a lot when debugging here.