3D tiles (b3dm) from Lidar?

Hi cesium-dev,

Great work on the 3D tiles tech!

In the Netherlands there's a free nation-wide Lidar dataset available (www.ahn.nl) with over 4 points per square meter.

The Technical University of Delft runs several projects related to Lidar such as https://github.com/tudelft3d/masbcpp

That specific project is still in its early stages, but am I right to conclude that it will ultimately be possible to compute building geometries from the raw pointcloud data?

It would be great to be able to generate cesium.js 3D tiles from pointclouds.

Any ideas on the feasibility of this?

Thanks, Gijs

Hi Gijs,

Sounds like great data, thanks for sharing! This is totally feasible.

We are going to flush out the point cloud tile format starting in the next few weeks, see https://github.com/AnalyticalGraphicsInc/3d-tiles/issues/22#issuecomment-231618325

AGI, the company who started Cesium, is also working on conversion services to 3D Tiles as part of the upcoming cesiumjs.com.
