hi,everyone ,i use cesium3DTile to load my data, code like this:
this.modelLayer = new Cesium.Cesium3DTileset({
name: “倾斜三维模型”,
url: modelTileSet,
modelMatrix works fine for tiles that boundingVolume defined by sphere, model tile is transformed , but when i change my data which boundingVolume defined by region ,modelMatrix does not work.
i view source code of Cesium3DTile.js, find the createBoundingVolume function, about line 842: i wonder why boundingVolumeHeader.region Don’t update regions when the transform changes
Cesium3DTile.prototype.createBoundingVolume = …
else if (defined(boundingVolumeHeader.region)) {
var region = boundingVolumeHeader.region;
var rectangleRegion = Rectangle.unpack(region, 0, scratchRectangle);
if (defined(result)) {
// Don’t update regions when the transform changes
return result;