For long time I’m here on Cesium and we want to enrich the tiles with trees, electric pools etc.
We had simple tile that extrudes the building in a simple way and it works great and fast but when we add trees it become very slow, I even try to use ion and it still slow.
If you add the 3D Tiles inspector viewer.extend(Cesium.viewerCesium3DTilesInspectorMixin); you’ll see there’s a very large amount of draw commands issues, as well as total triangles in the scene, compared to the NYC 3D buildings tileset for example:
Is your 3D Tiles using instancing (with i3dms) ? That should help.
My use case is to create “on the fly” 3D tiles so my procedure is:
a. parsing OSM tile.
b. generate glb.
c. Create 3D tile (I’m using your tool - 3d-tiles-tools and use glbTob3dm)
So you say that I need to use glbToi3dm that’s it?
That’s the total number of triangles in the source model. The idea behind 3D Tiles is to only load the minimum required data to visualize any given view so it works on systems with limited resources.
You’ll get more efficient 3D Tilesets if you can tile larger sets of data ahead of time. You lose out on a lot of optimization by tiling individual small models and adding each as its own 3D Tileset.