I have 2 use cases with 3dTiles and collision detection:
1. I want to implement camera collision detection with 3d tiles, at the moment cesium only considers zoom event for collision with 3d tiles e.g. you cant zoom in to a 3dTile building, but if rotate the camera to the building you will go through the building...
I want to implement collision detection so I could do something like:
if (!collisionWith3dTiles){
how do you suggest I should implement that? can I use the collision detection function that zoomIn does?
2. I have a city with 3d tiles building and I want to place 3d models randomly in the city, In a way that the models won't collide the buildings. the 3d tiles data set isnt static so I can't preposition my models.
Is there a way to get all the tiles in a specific area or to get some king of quadtree for the loaded tiles?
There is Cesium3DTileset.tileVisible but it doesnt seems that it fit my needs,
If there is other suggestion how I could do it they are more than welcomed
working with the latest cesium version...