About CesiumSubScene should have been nested inside a game object with a CesiumGeoreference

I create a subScene under a CesiumGeoreference, And i make it as a Prefab.

When i start to run, Console Error info as below:

Hi @beyondlei99,

May I ask why you’re trying to make the CesiumSubScene be a prefab? The more I understand your use case, the better advice I can give. :smile:

It would also help to share how you’re instantiating the prefab in the scene – are you dragging and dropping an instance in, or are you creating one through code?

Hi @janine, tank you vech much for your reply!
as the picture above, “Test” node is a Prefab, that including all its chilldren.
I instantiate the prefab through code, But In fact, even i modity some code in unityeditor, with the u3d compiling, the error info will come out。

But the Error doesn’t effect the program execution :smile: