How to add a fbx files to cesium for unity?

how to add a fbx files to cesium for unity?
directly add to scene will call running or building unviewable for all,
thanks in advance !

Hi @zhengweiyao,

You can do this in two ways, depending on what you prefer.

  1. You can convert the .fbx to 3D Tiles by uploading it to Cesium ion. Then, just use the Cesium3DTileset component to add it to your scene.
  2. Alternatively, you can add it as a model in Unity, then attach a CesiumGlobeAnchor component to the game object. You can use this component to specify the model’s global location.

directly add to scene will call running or building unviewable for al

Can you clarify what you mean? What’s wrong with directly adding the fbx to the scene?

for solution 1,that is ok, but show some what ugly ,.
for solution 2, problem still there ,see attach vedio

Hi @zhengweiyao,

I can’t tell what’s going on. You only uploaded images, not the actual video. Can you please describe your problem in more detail?

i active fbx.then game view disappear directly

deactive fbx,game reappear again

Hi @zhengweiyao,

Objects with CesiumGlobeAnchor components need to be nested under the CesiumGeoreference. Otherwise, their global positions will not be correct.

Let me know if that addresses the problem.

i try it now,how to nested, directly drive in the tree?

Yes, that looks correct. Did that change anything?

no,still there

any parameter to adjust?

native cube need not a anchor.or nested, but shown ok

now it ok.
it seem that.the fbx contain a view object, i delete it,now the view is ok, even not nested… thanks for your answer

or anchor

delete the {三维},object, then the run and build will be fine in my case.