Convert FBX Cesium FBX to landscape in UE5

Hi, I have imported a FBX file from generated by Blender. How do I convert this into a landscape in Unreal Engine 5.21.

Hi @Dapsky_pvt_ltd,

You can convert the .fbx to 3D Tiles by uploading it to Cesium ion. Then, add it to your scene as a Cesium3DTileset.

yo been trying to figure this out is there a tutorial on how to do this ?

Hi @Thadarkone82, welcome to the community!

If you’re trying to create an Unreal Landscape from an FBX, this probably doesn’t have much to do with Cesium, so you’ll likely get a better answer from a more general Unreal forum. My understanding (I’m definitely not an expert) is that UE Landscapes are created from heightmaps (regular grids of heights), not from arbitrary triangles meshes like FBX. So this probably isn’t directly possible.

However, if you want to create a terrain surface from a large FBX model outside of UE’s landscape system, then Cesium can help. That’s where you would want to upload your FBX to Cesium ion, as Janine described above. Since an FBX doesn’t inherently have any location on the globe, you’ll also want to georeference it within Cesium ion before loading it in Cesium for Unreal.