I am adding roughly 50,000 billboards to a billboard collection then loading this onto the map. For small test data sets it loads instantly, but once I start increasing the number, Cesium seems to "hang" for over a minute while they are rendered to the map. Is that expected or should the 50,000 billboards appear instantly?
I've read lots of posts on the trade offs between using entities and primitives and it seems for this use case, I need the performance of the primitives to load many billboards at once over the additional entity functionality.
I also tried using the entity clustering functionality that was recently reduced but the speed of zooming around the map didn't seem anywhere near as fast as if I had them all loaded and displayed as billboard primitives.
The relevant code is along the lines of:
//create collection
var billboards = new Cesium.BillboardCollection();
//loop through all my data and create billboards for each
var pinBuilder = new Cesium.PinBuilder();
var pin = pinBuilder.fromText(text, color, 64).toDataURL();
var billboard = {
position: Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(parseFloat(value.longitude), parseFloat(value.latitude)),
image: pin,
verticalOrigin: Cesium.VerticalOrigin.BOTTOM,
id: addedObjects
//end loop
//add collection to the scene