Assess performance of cesium centered app


I’m trying to figure out some of the best way to assess performance of a react web app whose main focus is the cesium globe.

I have a general list of things I can use for web apps(some better than others). But I’m wondering what other people here are using to demonstrate that the globe and overall app can ingest a significant amount of data.

Tools we may use:

  • chrome developer tool & lighthouse
  • react developer tools and profiler
  • in a K8 env get metrics of pods with Prometheus and display on grafana
  • cesium built in frame rate inspector
  • gather general application metrics like FFTB and FFTP

How are people assessing/obtaining metrics like throughput/latency/data load?

Hi there,

We have a few tips in this guide, but it’s mostly centered around 3D Tiles runtime performance.

Excited to see what other in the community may suggest.