Atmosphere and 3D Photorealistic do not work together?

I just copy pasted this code from this Sandcastle - Atmosphere into my own code which accepted the it without any complaint.

Only thing i removed was everything after the HDR setting (removed all Cesium.knockout… lines):

  // Fog settings

  showFog: true,
  density: 1.0,
  minimumBrightness: 0.03,

  // Scene settings

  hdr: true,

const toolbar = document.getElementById("toolbar");
Cesium.knockout.applyBindings(viewModel, toolbar);


Everything looks great and works perfect, but when i try to add the photorealistic tiles like in the following code (which worked perfectly except The Google Earth 3D tileset from ION is hovering over the 2d globe!) the space atmosphere of the planet doesnt show up anymore and shows only the photorealistic tiles:

If it was a markup page i would say its a “zindex” problem, because from the ground, the sky atmosphere is still visible (could be the same issue causing The Google Earth 3D tileset from ION is hovering over the 2d globe!)

Its a hard problem because for me because now i need to decide if i go with a 3D map but without spaceatmosphere, or if i go with space and groundatmosphere but only in 2D :smiling_face_with_tear:

I setted back the normal background and sky and restarted everything to cancel that out, but the problem remains like described.

Atmosphere and 3D Photorealistic do not work together?

So it turned out: No they dont! Why? here

But here is the workaround:

A CesiumJS template including Spaceatmosphere, Groundatmosphere AND 3D tileset, for the Community

I was highly motivated and coded this, leading to a surprising discovery: You can force the globe to fully load in just 1 second! (:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:It’s a trick.) Looks awesome!

It seems that for the animation, the first frame is fetched without CSS, in original size, and then transformed from small to large. (the first frame seems to be the atmosphere) I set the animation delay to 1 second and the transition to 3 seconds. As a result, the globe has 4 seconds to load before it becomes interactive. However, you don’t notice this, so it feels like Cesium, along with the atmosphere and 3D tileset, is fully loaded in 1 second. The 3D tileset is already ready when you zoom in.:ninja: (all made in simple css, no js)

I tested it on different screen resolutions and made sure it looks like from one mold on desktop, tablet and mobile :ninja:

Cheers and a big thank you to @javagl for pushing me into the right direction!
*I’m still not able to glamp the points, but your Sandcastle (clampToHeightMostDetailed) was working well :sweat_smile:


	main {
	  width: 100%;
	  height: 100vh;
	  margin: 0;
	  padding: 0;
	opacity: 0; /* Initial state */
	animation: fade-in-scale-up 3s ease-in-out forwards; /* Apply the fade-in animation */
	animation-delay: 1s;
	overflow: visible

	:global(.cesium-button.cesium-vrButton) {
	display: block;
	width: 100%;
	height: 100%;
	margin: 0;
	border-radius: 0;
	opacity: 0;
	animation: fade-in 3s ease-in-out forwards; /* Apply the fade-in animation */
	animation-delay: 4s;

	opacity: 0;
	animation: fade-in 3s ease-in-out forwards; /* Apply the fade-in animation */
	animation-delay: 4s;

/* Keyframes for fade-in-scale down effect */
@keyframes fade-in-scale-down {
    from {
        opacity: 0;
        transform: scale(1.1); /* Optional: add a slight zoom-in effect */
    to {
        opacity: 1;
        transform: scale(1); /* Reset to normal scale */

/* Keyframes for fade-in-scale-up effect */
@keyframes fade-in-scale-up {
    from {
        opacity: 0;
        transform: scale(0.01); /* Optional: add a slight zoom-in effect */
    to {
        opacity: 1;
        transform: scale(1); /* Reset to normal scale */

/* Keyframes for fade-in effect */
@keyframes fade-in {
    from {
        opacity: 0;
    to {
        opacity: 1;


<div style="width: 100%; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center;">
  <main id="cesiumContainer"></main>


// Initialize Cesium viewer with specified configuration options
	  viewer = new Viewer('cesiumContainer', {
		animation: false,
		fullscreenButton: false,
		vrButton: true,
		geocoder: false,
		homeButton: false,
		infoBox: true,
		selectionIndicator: false,
		timeline: false,
		navigationHelpButton: false,
		shouldAnimate: true,
		skyBox: true,
		contextOptions: {
		webgl: {
		alpha: true
		// This is a global 3D Tiles tileset so disable the
		// globe to prevent it from interfering with the data
		// globe: false,
		// Disabling the globe means we need to manually
		// re-enable the atmosphere
		// skyAtmosphere: false, // new Cesium.SkyAtmosphere(),
		// 2D and Columbus View are not currently supported
		// for global 3D Tiles tilesets
		sceneModePicker: false,
		// Imagery layers are not currently supported for
		// global 3D Tiles tilesets
		baseLayerPicker: false,
	// Load Cesium 3D Tileset from Cesium Ion using the specified asset ID (2275207=Google Photorealistic Earth)
	try {const tileset = await Cesium3DTileset.fromIonAssetId(2275207);viewer.scene.primitives.add(tileset);

	// Initially hide the 3D tileset = true;
    // Set up a camera move end event listener () {
      const height =; console.log(`Distance to ground ${Math.floor(height / 1000)} km`);

      if (height > 6000000) {
        // Show the base layer and hide the 3D tileset = true; = false;
      } else {
        // Hide the base layer and show the 3D tileset = false; = true;
	} catch (error) {console.log(error);}
	// Get the current camera position in Cartographic coordinates (longitude, latitude, height)
    var cameraPosition =;

    // Update the camera's position with the new height{
        destination: Cesium.Cartesian3.fromRadians(
        orientation: {

	  // Atmosphere
	  const scene = viewer.scene;
		const globe = scene.globe;
		const skyAtmosphere = scene.skyAtmosphere;

		scene.highDynamicRange = true;
		globe.enableLighting = true;
		globe.atmosphereLightIntensity = 20.0;

		// Function to get the current time in ISO 8601 format
	function getCurrentTimeIso8601() {
		const now = new Date();
		return now.toISOString();

    // Get the current time in ISO 8601 format and update the viewer's clock
    const currentTime = getCurrentTimeIso8601();
    viewer.clock.currentTime = JulianDate.fromIso8601(currentTime);

	const canvas = viewer.canvas;
	canvas.setAttribute("tabindex", "0"); // needed to put focus on the canvas
	canvas.onclick = function () {

	const defaultGroundAtmosphereLightIntensity =
	const defaultGroundAtmosphereRayleighCoefficient =
	const defaultGroundAtmosphereMieCoefficient =
	const defaultGroundAtmosphereMieAnisotropy =
	const defaultGroundAtmosphereRayleighScaleHeight =
	const defaultGroundAtmosphereMieScaleHeight =
	const defaultGroundAtmosphereHueShift = globe.atmosphereHueShift;
	const defaultGroundAtmosphereSaturationShift =
	const defaultGroundAtmosphereBrightnessShift =
	const defaultLightFadeOut = globe.lightingFadeOutDistance;
	const defaultLightFadeIn = globe.lightingFadeInDistance;
	const defaultNightFadeOut = globe.nightFadeOutDistance;
	const defaultNightFadeIn = globe.nightFadeInDistance;

	const defaultSkyAtmosphereLightIntensity =
	const defaultSkyAtmosphereRayleighCoefficient =
	const defaultSkyAtmosphereMieCoefficient =
	const defaultSkyAtmosphereMieAnisotropy =
	const defaultSkyAtmosphereRayleighScaleHeight =
	const defaultSkyAtmosphereMieScaleHeight =
	const defaultSkyAtmosphereHueShift = skyAtmosphere.hueShift;
	const defaultSkyAtmosphereSaturationShift =
	const defaultSkyAtmosphereBrightnessShift =

	const viewModel = {
	// Globe settings

	enableTerrain: false,
	enableLighting: true,
	groundTranslucency: false,

	// Ground atmosphere settings

	showGroundAtmosphere: true,
	groundAtmosphereLightIntensity: defaultGroundAtmosphereLightIntensity,
		defaultGroundAtmosphereRayleighCoefficient.x / 1e-6,
		defaultGroundAtmosphereRayleighCoefficient.y / 1e-6,
		defaultGroundAtmosphereRayleighCoefficient.z / 1e-6,
		defaultGroundAtmosphereMieCoefficient.x / 1e-6,
	groundAtmosphereRayleighScaleHeight: defaultGroundAtmosphereRayleighScaleHeight,
	groundAtmosphereMieScaleHeight: defaultGroundAtmosphereMieScaleHeight,
	groundAtmosphereMieAnisotropy: defaultGroundAtmosphereMieAnisotropy,
	groundHueShift: defaultGroundAtmosphereHueShift,
	groundSaturationShift: defaultGroundAtmosphereSaturationShift,
	groundBrightnessShift: defaultGroundAtmosphereBrightnessShift,
	lightingFadeOutDistance: defaultLightFadeOut,
	lightingFadeInDistance: defaultLightFadeIn,
	nightFadeOutDistance: defaultNightFadeOut,
	nightFadeInDistance: defaultNightFadeIn,

	// Sky atmosphere settings

	showSkyAtmosphere: true,
	skyAtmosphereLightIntensity: defaultSkyAtmosphereLightIntensity,
		defaultSkyAtmosphereRayleighCoefficient.x / 1e-6,
		defaultSkyAtmosphereRayleighCoefficient.y / 1e-6,
		defaultSkyAtmosphereRayleighCoefficient.z / 1e-6,
		defaultSkyAtmosphereMieCoefficient.x / 1e-6,
	skyAtmosphereRayleighScaleHeight: defaultSkyAtmosphereRayleighScaleHeight,
	skyAtmosphereMieScaleHeight: defaultSkyAtmosphereMieScaleHeight,
	skyAtmosphereMieAnisotropy: defaultSkyAtmosphereMieAnisotropy,
	skyHueShift: defaultSkyAtmosphereHueShift,
	skySaturationShift: defaultSkyAtmosphereSaturationShift,
	skyBrightnessShift: defaultSkyAtmosphereBrightnessShift,
	perFragmentAtmosphere: false,
	dynamicLighting: true,
	dynamicLightingFromSun: false,

	// Fog settings

	showFog: true,
	density: 1.0,
	minimumBrightness: 0.03,

	// Scene settings

	hdr: true,

Hi there,

As I responded in your original GitHub issue, we’re aware and we have two issues open for implementing ground atmosphere and related lighting for global-scale 3D tilesets: #11717 and #11302.

If you have any interest in contributing these features, let us know and we’d be happy to support! Thanks,