As a quick aside, it looks like it may also be possible to render Cesium on a transparent background with some modifications detailed here and Scene.backgroundColor.
Curious to know if anyone has done anything with Cesium and AR since the last post.
The Spotup app mentioned seems to have disappeared from the app store.
I might have a need for such an app but I am guessing it is currently unsupported and so would require a lot of custom webgl coding correct.
I understand three.js can integrate with Cesium. Would this help given three.js has AR support
The part that needs to be integrating with some device and AR framework. Do you have any links to the ThreeJS AR support that you’ve been looking at? I believe ThreeJS integrates with other libraries to do this, as opposed to having to change much in the core engine, so I can imagine it’d be possible to make the same approach with CesiumJS.
Did you manage to that?
Had similar idea with mobile phone camera for view utility, also trying to control camera (position, heading, pitch and rool) with mobile gyroscope and gps position (ok position with mobile phone is not precise but I have geodetic GNSS reciver to improve lat,lng and height.
Idea is like this picture:
I got half way through but couldn’t complete it as it got complex. I am still interested in completing it. It’s not AR, it should be like the the globe should be locked in center and camera should move around it
Here is the demo video… I’ll provide the sandcastle or GitHub link soon
You could achieve this with background video element. The only challenge here is to match the cesium field and angle of view with your camera. Maybe threejs ar could be a start as I think connecting the two libraries is supported. we have done something similar checkout this video