Billboards and labels optimization

Hey ,

I was wondering about optimization issues and had 2 main questions:

  1. In my app I am using a large amount of billboard that i move on the map in 500mili rate.
    Is using requestRenderMode in my case would have any impact on performance?
    I have read the blog below from 2018 about it which inferred that high rate render apps as mine would not get a large benefit of using it.
  1. another blog from 2018 suggested a way to manually render/prevent render a specific entity.
    Has cesium implemented such mechanism since then ?

Entity API Performance – Cesium

Thank you for your time


As you know, it is difficult to make broad conclusions on performance-related questions. I suspect that in your application, using requestRenderMode should not significantly impact the performance. It just depends on how much you are interested in optimizing your application.

To answer your second question: I am not aware of any recently implemented mechanisms that will give you this functionality.


Thank you