Does this black dot move when you move the timeline/sun position? Are you loading exactly the same tileset from Cesium ion, and it doesn’t have this black dot?
Can you tell me how this tileset was created (that you’re loading locally) ?
Thanks for your reply...
Actually, i disabled sun(show=false) and tried sun.destroy() also.
When i use tileset property luminanceAtZenith, darker shades becomes little less .
i am loading tileset from local folder in .b3dm format (We converted shapefile to CityGML and then to Cesium3DTiles by using FME Software. When i load it from cesium ion asset, there is no black dots.
and i have attached one png there u can see at some portion have black shade.
Yeah there’s no way to disable the sun’s lighting in CesiumJS since it’s the only light source and everything would be black otherwise. Did you upload the same CityGML to Cesium ion and it doesn’t have these black shades? That sounds like it might be FME not correctly generating the 3D Tileset.
You can produce a silhouette/outline on certain features using post processing, you can see an example of this here when you move your mouse over any building: