Can Google Map be used to Cesium?

Hi all,

Cesium provides many imagery provider, like Bingmap, Mapbox, OpenStreetMap…etc. But Google Map is not included in. Is it possible to add Google Map imagery data into Cesium through their API? thanks a lot~


We have a GoogleEarthImageryProvider, but you are required to have imagery from your own private Google Earth Enterprise Server.

It is not possible to add Google Maps.



Just an FYI, but the only reason we don’t officially have a Google Maps imagery provider is because it is against Google’s Terms of Service. You are not allowed to use Google Maps or public Google Earth imagery inside of non-google products. (At least that has always been the case).

If you are a paying Google maps customer, I recommend you file a support ticket with Google to find out for sure.


Appreciate both of your response~!!

Matthew Amato於 2016年5月16日星期一 UTC+8下午10時28分17秒寫道: