Cesium 1.17 release

Happy new year! We are starting the 1.17 release. It will be available in a few hours.


Cesium 1.17 is now available. This is a great release to upgrade to since it includes terrain memory improvements (up to 40%!).

See http://cesiumjs.org/2016/01/04/Cesium-version-1.17-released/


could not get the CZML Model - Node Transformations to work. I get:

RequestError: Unable to load gallery/CZML Model - Node Transformations.html status: 403

The link doesn’t work for me either. We’ll look into a fix.

In the meantime, here is the example in GitHub:



The link is fixed now: http://cesiumjs.org/Cesium/Apps/Sandcastle/index.html?src=CZML%20Model%20-%20Node%20Transformations.html&label=CZML

Thanks again for the report!
