Cesium 1.28 Release

Hi everyone,
We’re about to start the 1.28 release process. It will be out later today.


Cesium 1.28 has been released! See http://cesiumjs.org/2016/12/01/Cesium-version-1.28-released/ for details.

Thank cesium team to provide such a good “js earth” library!

在 2016年12月2日星期五 UTC+8上午12:25:40,Tom Fili写道:

The next version can try to update the 3d model supports two layers uv lightmap

在 2016年12月2日星期五 UTC+8上午12:25:40,Tom Fili写道:

gltf models can support multiple texture coordinates and light maps, but you will need to write a custom shader in your gltf model.

okay, thank you

在 2016年12月14日星期三 UTC+8上午8:50:48,Sean Lilley写道: