I'm having a problem with basing my code on the 1.6 Sandcastle samples when the mode detailed documentation in https://cesiumjs.org/refdoc.html still seems to refer to 1.5
Is there a link to refdoc.html where the code snippets apply more to 1.6 that to 1.5.
Specifically I having problems getting an acticvAnimations collection from an entity model. The code from refDocs talks bout the model primitive but I never obtained a model primitive. I added my 3D mode to the viewer using the 1.6 code below as reference.
however, entity.model does not expose an activeAnimations collection and I can't find 1.6 specific doecumentation that tells me how to get one. Is the more 1.6 applicable documentation available?
var position = Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(-123.0744619, 44.0503706, height);
var heading = Cesium.Math.toRadians(90);
var pitch = 0;
var roll = Cesium.Math.toRadians(0);
var orientation = Cesium.Transforms.headingPitchRollQuaternion(position, heading, pitch, roll);
var entity = viewer.entities.add({
name : url,
position : position,
orientation : orientation,
model : {
uri : url,
minimumPixelSize : 128
viewer.trackedEntity = entity;