Cesium 1.9

I’m starting the Cesium 1.9 release process. It will be available later today.

Very exciting :slight_smile: I’ll update the Google Samples and such as soon as it’s ready.

Cesium 1.9 is now available. It’s mostly a bug fix release, but that’s because there are some big features in the queue for 1.10 See the blog post for details.

Thanks for the update!

After 1.9 versioning starts to become confusing. Numerically there’s no difference between decimal notation 1.1 and 1.10 as the zero is extraneous. 1.11 1.12 seem like minor updates of 1.1 ! People might start thinking that 1.9 is the latest version even after 1.10 comes out! Perhaps after 1.9 the next version could be 2.0 to avoid confusion?

This is purely my personal opinion on the matter, but I strongly disagree.

In the versioning notation there is specific meaning to what each number of a version is and what it implications to a developer are. Lets take a look at version “1.7.1” which to a developer means “major” version 1, minor update 7, build 1.

So if see a build increment such as “1.7.2” get released I’m going to know its a completely safe upgrade with no code modifications to my application if I were already using “1.7.0” or “1.7.1”.

If I see “1.8.0” get released that means that I need to review the release notes to determine what in the API changed that may require some minor amount of refactoring to stay compatible.

If “2.0.0” is released I’m expecting a “game changer” of a release, potentially requiring a massive rewrite to my application to be able to use this new major release.

It comes down to having the development community understand what the versions mean to them. For example, I can’t use jQuery 2.x if I want IE 8 support. Same with AngularJS 1.3.x

Once again, this is purely my personal opinion on version numbering and the team as a whole may have a different stance.

We don’t strictly follow semantic versioning for Cesium, but the semver spec does specify the versioning pattern 1.9 -> 1.10 -> 1.11, etc., which is fairly commonplace. For example, NodeJS is at version 0.12.2. Version numbers are not decimal numbers and should not be interpreted as such.

Once 2 decimal points are added it becomes obvious that they are not to be confused with decimal numbers. Although the versioning point system is standard practice in software development, I’m wondering how many confuse it with decimal points.

Dashes instead of points might help, but I suppose points are easier to type and take less space for non-fixed spaced fonts.


Well slightly more here, but I guess points do look better than dashes.